
We utilize the high quality, researched based “Creative Curriculum” to help prepare our children for future school success. All children, with or without speech-language needs will benefit from our academic-focused and language enriched programs.

  • Features fun, thematic learning units to address all areas of a young child’s development - social-emotional, academic, fine and gross motor and speech and language. 
  • Teachers use teaching strategies to help foster early literacy, writing, math skills, art, music, movement and more! 
  • Technology centers in our 4 yr old and Jr Kindergarten programs give students hands-on computer and/or ipad learning
  • Curriculum adheres to the Hawaii Preschool Content Standards and prepares students for achievement according to the Department of Education’s Kindergarten Standards.
  • Teachers have specialized training in these curriculums and work closely with our American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) certififed and licensed Speech-Language Pathologists to help ensure successful implementation.
  • Our Jr. Kindergarten program follows a Kindergarten curriculum so students are well prepared for entry into Kindergarten
  • Daily notes are emailed to parents so you know what your child learned that day
  • Photos and videos of your child enjoying their school day will be emailed to you periodically

Students learn how to "Bee" a SUCCESS!

  • S = Show Respect
  • U = Understanding and Forgiveness
  • C = Caring
  • C = Cooperation
  • E = Everyone be responsible
  • S = Speak the truth
  • S = "Stick-to-itiveness" (Perseverance)

Enrichment Programs offered include:  gymnastics with Island Tumblers, swim lessons with Leahi Swim School, sports with Amazing Athletes, Japanese language with Language Wonderland, music & dance with Gymboree and Hip Hop dance with Guess Xpess.  

Our students enjoy field trips every other month to places like the zoo, aquarium, fire station, Bishop Museum, Dole Plantation, Pumpkin Patch, a working dairy farm and more!  We have elaborate May Day and graduation programs for students, parents and families to enjoy!

Children with documented evidence of a speech and/or language delay will be admitted into our program and provided with intensive individualized speech-language therapy daily. Teachers and Speech-Language Pathologists will work collaboratively to integrate therapy goals into the daily classroom activites.  Students will be integrated in an “inclusion” learning environment where all students can benefit from peer modeling and learning.

Students requiring speech-language therapy services will be provided with private one-on-one or small group therapy daily (Monday through Friday) with a speech-langauge pathologist sometime during the course of the regular school day.  Your child may qualify for FREE or SUBSIDIZED SPEECH THERAPY SERVICES!  Sounds of Success has received a grant from the Oscar Rosetta Fish Speech Therapy & Forensics Fund at Hawai'i Community Foundation.  Please contact us for more information.